Join our mission to create a new nation, conceived in liberty.


The New Nation Project

Freedom seeking people have always ventured into new lands to pursue a new life.

The New Nation Project is our attempt to establish a new, free nation, based on concepts of limited government and free market principles. It is to be a nation of liberty that aims to do good for her people and neighbors. It is to be a refuge and help for those seeking freedom, and a beacon of liberty.

On land,

Our long term gaol is to establish our new state by obtaining a Sovereign Lease from an existing Nation. Once successful in securing a Lease we will raise and send pioneers to start the process of creating the infrastructure needed for success.

Or at Sea

Imagine a world where individuals and communities can chart their own course, free from the constraints of traditional governments and bureaucratic red tape. Seasteading offers a unique and innovative approach to fostering liberty like never before.

Seasteading promotes sustainable living by harnessing the vast resources of the ocean. Floating communities can implement cutting-edge technologies for renewable energy, waste management, and resource utilization. By minimizing the environmental impact, seasteads can showcase a model of responsible living, demonstrating that liberty and environmental sustainability can go hand in hand.

We are currently working on proposals for obtaining a Sovereign Lease from an existing nation state to allow us to launch with a combined land and seasteading venture.

Our Project

Find out about our mission, methods, and how we hope to achieve the project goals.

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Ready to take the next step? There are many ways you can support our mission. You can become a contributor to our project planning, or participate yourself.