Support & Contribute

There are many ways you can support our mission.





You can invest in the project by buying your rights to land in the future Bir Tawil nation. We are releasing ownership rights in the future land via the blockchain, which helps ensure transparency in the whole process. Once bought, you have a publicly verified claim to the unique land parcel, and can trade this at anytime on compatible NFT marketplaces. Our NTFs do not have a resale commission.


Contribute to the project by donating your time and skills.

Whilst money will be a major hurdle to overcome, we believe that a greater one is that of knowledge, experience, and wisdom.  No single person has the ability to manage all the necessary components of the endeavor, and we will be reliant upon faithful volunteers to achieve our goals. 

As we are seeking to establish a new nation, there are many areas where we need input.  

Among these are;

  • Information Technology

  • Law & Constitution

  • Engineering

  • Agriculture

  • Accounting

  • Logistics

  • Urban Development

  • Planning and Regulations

  • Security & Emergency Services

  • Language & Translation

We will add further details to these areas as the project progresses.  Please get in contact with us if there’s an area you want more info on, that we haven’t managed to create a resource for already. 

If you feel that you can help with your time and effort, please explore the opportunities available here, or get in contact with us to see where you can be of assistance.


A new nation requires people.  To succeed, we need committed men and women to go and live in this new land.  This doesn’t have to be permanent, and some might be called to pursue this as a short term mission.  We expect that the initial settlement will be a mix of both short and long term workers.